Week Ending October 11th

The seasons march on…  September was the driest one on record; October however, also seems to be attempting to break a record but in the opposite direction, with periods of heavy rain accompanied with spells of sunshine and the odd clap of thunder.

Wednesday.  While driving along a trackway in the Ashdown Forest area, I had a really good sighting of a pair of ravens:  On approaching a solitary group of several scots pines, I became aware of a pair of ‘crows’ perched in the top of one of the trees.  As I was about to pass by, I realised they were a pair of ravens, which then launched into the brisk SW wind, I being able to appreciate their relative large size and also their slightly different flight profile.

Thursday.  A little south of our village is a large jackdaw roost of perhaps 300-400 birds.  Every morning, at a given point probably connected with the amount of daylight, they fly north – often over our house, all collectively ‘kyow’ (calling) to one another.  Sometimes, many of them drop into a large nearby oak for a few minutes as if to decide which feeding destination to head for.  Jackdaws with their pearl-grey eyes, have got to be one of my favourite common birds; they always seem so happy and would seem to be more benign than some of their cousins!  Tonight, I stood outside the door, watching them fly home to their roost, happily kyowing, powerfully flying almost into the SW wind with some carrying out joyful manoeuvres, playing with the wind.

Friday.  Having yesterday, driven the 15 ponies on the unfenced area of Chailey Common into a neighbouring farmers field, this morning we corralled them and then trailered them up the road to their winter quarters on Red House and Lane End Commons.  All went smoothly, with the ground conditions wet but still firm and helped by a brilliant band of volunteers.  Bought some organic pork and an amazing loaf from Townings Farm Shop!  Late afternoon and I saw a solitary swallow flying east near Upper Dicker.

Saturday.  At Pippingford Park today, a Spartan ‘Beast’ Race was held – a 25km run including wading through a river and ponds; carrying objects and climbing obstacles.  The ponies were unaffected and were probably looking on and thinking, ‘these humans are completely mad!’ 

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